Warsaw, Poland, ul. Księcia Janusza 64

Invitation for Early Earth Workshop

We would like to invite You for 2nd International Early Earth Workshop.

Edu-Arctic2 online webinar on the North American Arctic
Edu-Arctic2 online webinar on the North American Arctic

As a part of Edu-Arctic2, webinars are scheduled on 8th November and 9th November, when doctoral students from the Institute of Geophysics, PAS, will share their knowledge about the North American Arctic. On 8th November, Tanmay Keluskar will talk about Geography, climatology, oceanography and ecology of the North American Arctic in the English. On 9th November, Marcin Mieszczak will give a similar talk in Polish. These webinars are the last of a series of 3 webinars organized by Edu-Arctic2 on this subject. Previous webinars were held on 18th - 21st June and 20th - 22nd September. Students will learn how biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere affect each other in the Arctic. We invite interested participants to join this webinar. At the end of each webinar, there will be a Q&A session.

North American Arctic (English version), 8th November 2021, 9 AM; presentor:

Tanmay Keluskar (registration: https://program.edu-arctic.eu/lessons/850)

North American Arctic (Polish version), 9th November 2021, 9 AM; presentor:  

Marcin Mieszczak (registration: https://program.edu-arctic.eu/lessons/851)